
Hi so yesterday I was at Tower of London and Tower Bridge..Here are some pictures..
It was very interesting to be at the places were Anne Boleyn was exacuted and burried, Elisabeth I was householding and all kings and queens since year 1066. :D

This is Traitor's gate.. Anne Boleyn was brought through this gate in to the castle when the coronation procession was being held and three years later when she was going to her trial, even other famous prisoners were brought to the castle through this gate because it's the way through the water so it was probably supposed to be harder to escape.:D

By the way if anyone didn't know Anne Boleyn was the second wife of Henry VIII and mother of Queen Elisabeth I...

This is the execution place for the finer people... Anne Boleyn was executed here by a sword.
And she's now burried in a church right beside it along with many other famous people I couldn't photograph in it because it wasn't alloud but this is outside it.

And this is a painting on the wall of Queen Elisabeth of how she was supposed to have looked when she was going to meet the Spanish armada.

Alright so that's a bit of what I've looked at and learned..
See you soon..:D


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