Lite nya news då..:P
HEj igen!
Skåne är bra.. Det har blivit en del omkringflackande med boendet i början men nu har jag ett eget korridorrum som är bra..:D
Det är mycket fest här nere alldeles för mycket.. Särskilt när det är i huset jag bor i..
lycka till/ Daniella
Sen har jag gått igenom Köpenhamns tempel med mamma och pappa..:D Så där fick jag träffa min syster som är där på mission också vilket var underbart..:D Flera som sa om det att de trodde att det är så det känns när man ses igen i himlen...:D (alla kvinnor grät)..:D
Länge sen men nu igen!
Hoppas det går bra för er.
Här är en bild på mig på tåget.
Nice..:D Tills vi möts/hörs igen!
Hemma igen och nytt jobb på G...
Det var trevligt.. Och idag var sista dagen på mitt deltidsjobb på SL för att imorgon börja på utbildningen inför mitt Heltidsjobb på SL..:P Citymail har jag sagt upp mig från i veckan..
Intressant tid har det varit. Tyvärr glömde jag ta med kameran till farmor.. Klantigt.. Men nu har jag en helt ny Garderob med hel sektion med fin kläder.. Jag passade på att handla massa fin kläder där som sagt sen fick jag massor av farmor..
Ojojoj Så mycket har hänt sen senaste inlägget..
Jobba på gör jag som vanligt.. Fast lite mindre faktiskt.. Jag försöker vara måttlig. Jag blir Väldigt lätt omåttlig.. Det är därför som jag sprungit sönder knäna på jobbet men de känns bättre nu iaf..
Nu framöver väntar en del resande. Till Farmor och Elisabeth och så.. Jag tänkte försöka komma igång och skriva lite mer här nu då och då..
Och nu lite bilder..:D
Mamma jag och Mickis på äventyr på RHodos
Glömde skriva att jag fått körkort..:D I växjö..
jag tror dett är växjös kännetecknande kyrka..:D
Första gången jag kör Ann-Charlottes bil efter jag fick körkortet.. :D Jag fick 15/6 2009..
Jag och syster Hö/egströ/om..:D I våra rosa halsdukar.. Blir kul att träffa henne nu igen innan hon åker hem...:D
Specialitén Svart Spagetti, Makrill och en Happy Sallad..:D Glöm inte såsen.. :P
Sista Farväl innan Mickis flyttar till USA.. Ska bli grymt att ses nu när hon kommer hem och hälsar på snart..:D
Vi var ute med Christian Stulen första delen av sista dagen.. DDR:ade mm Sen träffa vi fler vänner och åt pizza.. Sen när vi var på institutet var det slut för min del...
Jag och Eva random fotade i ICA..
Med syskon och mamma..
Hey ya på i Mariatorget på vägen hem.. För lång väntetid innan tunnelbanan..:D
HEHEHE Jag och Li och Pavel och hans lillasyster i Rom.. Denna Cykelfärd blev minst sagt Spännande..:D Li tyckte mest den var obehaglig..
Ja vi besökte Coloseum..:D Det var häftigt minst sagt..:D Men det är mycket mindre än jag föreställde mig det..
Jag och Pavel..:D
Folket ute på Lasergame.. Nightgame.. Jag kom etta en gång iaf..:D
jag diggade den vita kaninen..:D
Minns gamla tider.. :D Ojdå Lite väl långt.. Hehe.. Iaf det var nog det mesta Folks.. Nu laddar jag inför framtiden..:D
Vi ses..:D
Here are the pics..:D
Me and my best pal..:D
me and my date..:D isn't he hardcore..:P hehe
Hopefully I can learn something about boxing from this guy..:D (Muhammed Ali)
Queen Elisabeth I..:D
On the way to Stansted Airport..:D
That was all folks.. from london.. I'm still living I hope so maybe there is going to be more later on..:D
See you soon..:D
Sherlock, madame tussaud then home again..
Baker Street 221b were Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson lived in the stories. Although it's real adress is something like Baker Street 240 because at 221 there's a big building.
The door to the place..
The thing is that i have the pictures from today on my cellphone so i'll add them as soon as possible..:D
Alright later on that day it was all stress because when i came to the airport i couldn't check in because i've my Ö letter in my surname so I had to rename myself before checking in. So i did that then i checked in my luggage and everything and by the time I was ready the gate were supposed to close in like 5 minutes or something so I ran the whole way and it was long. But the gate hadn't opened yet and lucky so it didn't take long boarding the plane when the gate opened like 2-3 minutes later....
And to add to this I had been stressing around all day to get to both madame tussaud's and Sherlock Holmes museum..
But it was well worth it..
Hope you're all fine..:D until next time..:P
This is from the Royal Observatory..:P It's were the GMT(Greenwich Mean Time) is. The clock that is the one everybody goes after... but depending on time zone..:D
I'm standing on longitude 0 here... :D
Here I have one foot on stockholm and the other on Greenwich..:D
I later went to One Three Hill it was very close..:P
Just the next hill...
This is part of the view from One three hill..:D
I later went to Baker Street and all kind of other things.. I wanted to go to the Sherlock Holmes Museum there or the madame tussaud's but they were closed.. So tomorrow.. Baker street here i come...:P
Yo from RAIN TOWN..:D
First I went to Kensington Palace.
Then I went to see the Albert Hall..
Then I went to two museum.. Science museum and Natural Historical museum it was a perfect day for going to the museum..:P
This is in the entrance of Natural History museum..
It was some very interesting exhibitions like "who am I" and about earth and so on..
After this I just went around in the town looking around for a while..
I took this one from bus 211 to Waterloo..:P
Harrods is like the Swedish NK.. VERY uncheap..:P
But very beautiful.. I just looked around inside it was cool..Though with my clothing I didn't really fit in..:D
Fish n Chips.. Healthy?? hahaha No way but good tasting and a must if you're in London..
Alright i'll be seeing you then...:P
But here I go..
Saturday me and Amina went to Hampton Court palace and gardens.
a bit of the palace..
And sunday I went to church in South Kensington.. Here it is..
They had a very large and beatiful picture on the wall describing all phases through life..
And under the picture it's text that tells you what it means..
Alright see you soon...
Here it's already time to buy your Christmas presents..
I also saw William Shakespear looking out a window on Carnaby Street. A very famous Shopping area..and also Oxford Street...
Alright i'll see you soon...
And now some fun..:D
Me at trafalgar sqaure
a grey squirell it came at me when i was walking in like my own thoughts..:D
a black swan they are very beatiful and it's also the first time I've heard and seen them..:D
King's Cross
In 18th november 1987 there was a huge fire in the underground station called King's Cross St Pancras. It erupted from one of the escalators. The one with traffic from the Piccadilly line. This one:
At first there was only a small fire for a long time so the firebrigade thought it was under controll. But later it became a huge fire in only seconds.
Imaging a fire start when there is more people the this in the escalator because it was rush hour, this picture is taken just before rush hour.
When it started the people who worked on the station closed these escalators. But the trains still stopped at the station and people still got on and of the trains.
In just seconds what was a small controlled fire erupted to a big one.
The firemen were chocked they had never seen anything like it.
And it all happend because of the trench effect. Which as a aftermath to this fire was found out.
The trench effect shows that at first it's a small fire but the heat of the fire goes upwards and because of the 30° angle of the escalator it's heating up to a level when it can't be more heated and a huge fire erupts. But this heat couldn't be seen which tricked the firemen in to a false thinking that the fire was under controll.
And the hall in which it erupted in to might have looked like this.
Because in this station there are two places were the escalators go up from the one who got on fire is this one.
and the one where people still got down and up from is this one.
And this station is one of the bigger ones in London with three lines stopping here and the railway trains too.
This fire ended 31 peoples life and the aftermath they got out of it in the end wasn't that it was the work of terrorists or anything likewise. The conclusion they got at last was that it was because some passenger had lighted a cigarette in the escalator and thrown the match down without turning it out.
And it could happend because of the dirt in the escalator and because it was partly of wood.
I think this is a really interresting conclusion after all..:D
Hope you enjoyed reading..
After that we went to town.. first to see the london eye then Big ben and the house of parlamaint. It was really interesting we saw statues of William Pitt, Fox and others. And we were in Westminister hall were very famous trials have been held one is William Wallace. There had also been very famous speaks and so on there.. Lots of history we even went in to see the parlamaint debate.. The thing with this place is that you can't bring your camera to long.. Although I brought a camera (not mine) the pictures weren't good unfortunately.. The camera is old and couldn't handle the light.
:D See you soon
It was very interesting to be at the places were Anne Boleyn was exacuted and burried, Elisabeth I was householding and all kings and queens since year 1066. :D
This is Traitor's gate.. Anne Boleyn was brought through this gate in to the castle when the coronation procession was being held and three years later when she was going to her trial, even other famous prisoners were brought to the castle through this gate because it's the way through the water so it was probably supposed to be harder to escape.:D
By the way if anyone didn't know Anne Boleyn was the second wife of Henry VIII and mother of Queen Elisabeth I...
This is the execution place for the finer people... Anne Boleyn was executed here by a sword.
And she's now burried in a church right beside it along with many other famous people I couldn't photograph in it because it wasn't alloud but this is outside it.
And this is a painting on the wall of Queen Elisabeth of how she was supposed to have looked when she was going to meet the Spanish armada.
Alright so that's a bit of what I've looked at and learned..
See you soon..:D
Alright here's what has happend so far..:D
Well Today I got to London and well I must say it was a bit exhausting because it's so big and so much things to see and do..:D But that's what I like..:D Love the British accent too..
So this guy and me we spoke the whole way to london..:D He was going to Sri Lanka..:D
People are so open for new things when they travel I like that...:P
Taking the bus from the airport to Victoria Station..:D
Part of Tower of London it's a huge castle..:D going to check it out later i hope..:D
I do hope you recognize Big Ben..:D
Notice the Dubbeldecker..:P Alright those were just som pretty buildings I saw..Haven't figured out what they are called yet..So tonight we're going to go out eat and maybe go to a newly opened Mall close to there house which i'm going to photo later.. I'm liking it much here already..:D Hope you all are having a nice time..
Here i am again.:P
So yesterday..:P Well first i was at work then i got home and fixed some stuff then it was time to go johans place..:P
Later we went to see the new Bond movie Quatum of Solace.. And well it sure was a fast movie.. Too fast couldn't hold track on everything that happend.. But still i like the fights..:P
yaa see you soon...
a little late this time..:D
Later yesterday i met some friends on the subway the didn't want to get pictured. Though i found out that my friend had a very interesting bag..:P
i also went to ruth later that was fun we played games and all..:D
This particular game i won..:P
anyway later sepideh followed to our house and slept-over..:D
have a fun day..see you soon..:P
Life is so much ups and downs.. But well on this page i want you to be happy so i'm going to show you my happy moments of the day..:D
Back again:D
It's really interesting because it's one of the worst things that has happend in the subway so it has a lot to learn us.:D
So today i have been exchanging money and things are just getting closer to london here.:D
I also was in church in the evening and after the lesson there was FOOD me like..:D